合作社 & Internship Experiences




Meet with a Career Development Advisor as soon as possible. Schedule your Zoom appointment in 在南 或联系 careerdevelopment@bigconceptdesigns.com. 在您的任命期间,将讨论以下主题:

  1. Review eligibility requirements
  2. Develop and refine your 重新开始
  3. 创建/更新你的 Handshake profile
  4. Identify your goals and interests
    • What type of position are you seeking?
    • When would you like to start working?
    • Where are you interested in working?
  5. 创建 an action plan
▼   Step 2 - Prepare


  1. 研究 companies of interest
  2. Expand your network
    • 参加雇主信息会或招聘会
    • 与朋友、家人或社区联系
    • Conduct an informational interview
  3. 调整你的 interview skills
  4. Assemble your interview attire
▼   Step 3 - 搜索 and 应用



▼   Step 4 - Interview and Accept
  • Before the Interview
    1. Practice virtual interviewing with 大面试
    2. 如果你还没有这样做,安排一次模拟面试 在南
    3. 研究 the company
    4. 写一张要问面试官的问题清单
  • During the Interview
    1. Greet the interviewer with a smile
    2. Be positive and energetic
    3. Speak confidently and clearly
    4. 询问什么时候跟进是合适的
  • After the Interview
    1. 给面试官写一封手写的感谢信。
    2. Follow-up with employer
  • Accepting the Position
    1. 一旦你接受了这个职位,就停止找工作
    2. Request an offer letter
▼   Step 5 - Register

请按照以下步骤通过Handshake提交您的信息 你即将到来的合作/实习经历.

  1. 选择此链接将您的经验提交到Handshake. 
  2. 来自“体验式下拉菜单选择你的专业和学期.
    • If your major is not listed, select '合作教育和实习计划' for the semester you will be working.
  3. Complete ALL fields, then select 'Request Experience

请联系 careerdevelopment@bigconceptdesigns.com 如果您需要帮助或有疑问.



开始寻找合作或实习经历永远不会太早. 的 这个过程可能需要几周甚至几个月才能完成.

  • 开始 至少 one to three semesters before 
  • 开始 earlier, if possible

合作社或实习可以在删除/添加日期之前注册 academic calendar for a current or upcoming semester.  请按照以下步骤通过Handshake提交您的信息 你的经验.

  1. 选择此链接将您的经验提交到Handshake
  2. 来自“体验式下拉菜单选择你的专业和学期.
    • If your major is not listed, select '合作教育和实习计划' for the semester you will be working.
  3. Complete ALL fields, then select 'Request Experience'.
  4. 请联系 careerdevelopment@bigconceptdesigns.com 如果您需要帮助或有疑问.
不,你不能因为过去的经历而获得成绩单或学分. 但是:您可以通过以下方式报告握手中过去的经历:
  1. 选择此链接将您的经验提交到Handshake.
  2. 来自“体验式下拉菜单
    • 选择“过去的实习经验-仅供报告'
  3. Complete ALL fields, then select 'Request Experience'

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